Building Your Personal Brand

Last week, I presented an interactive “Building Your Personal Brand” workshop at New York University’s International Students Career Conference. It was very exciting to be a speaker at the school where I attended the coaching certificate program two years ago and opened a whole new chapter in my career and life.

As you may know, I’m Turkish and I spent most of my life in Turkey. But I consider myself a global citizen as I’ve always been around international people since I first came to the U.S. for business school many years ago. I was an international student at two different times and a World Bank expat, and now I’m a business owner in New York.

I can say, based on my experiences, that just as it’s challenging to pursue career goals in a foreign country, it can be equally rewarding if you build an authentic personal brand and use it as your greatest marketing tool. Having a different background together with intercultural competence can be a crucial differentiator.

At the conference, I ran two workshop sessions for an amazing group of 52 students coming from China, India, Brazil, Russia, Pakistan and other countries. My goal was to teach them how to create and market their personal brand. Their enthusiasm and positive spirit helped make our time together both productive and fun. I’m very glad that some of them have already taken the first step in marketing their personal brand statements on the ReNewIst Facebook page.

Birkman Career Coach

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